Monday, August 16, 2010

If you have a data package for your cell phone with 25MB, how many minutes do you have to use on the internet?

I have the package: ';25 MB Data %26amp; Web with Mobile Email'; for my Samsung Rogue and I want to know how many minutes I am allowed to use on the internet with this package. Does anyone know?If you have a data package for your cell phone with 25MB, how many minutes do you have to use on the internet?
You don't have minutes. Data is not measured in minutes. It's measured in the amount of data used. 5 minutes of youtube uses a lot more data than reading a wikipedia page for 5 minutes.

25mb is very, very little data. It's simply an invitation to run up overages. Stay away from youtube and any downloads.If you have a data package for your cell phone with 25MB, how many minutes do you have to use on the internet?
So of I'm on Youtube for 5 minutes how much MB would I waste?

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you cant go by minutes.

different pages take a different amount of mb to display the page
be very very carefull. You should only be browsing the web lightly with that data package. It will run out quick if you want to watch youtube on the phone

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