Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you know if someone is smart or not?

Alot of people on the internet say how smart they are.. but how do they know for sure? Does IQ show how smart someone is? it seems like IQ tests are mostly how fast you think of answers... or grammar? but anyone can pretty much do good grammar if they try/study it... grades in school? that is pretty much just doing your school-work.. unless you fail it all.. or would it be being able to invent something cool?

what do you think?How do you know if someone is smart or not?
look at their avatarHow do you know if someone is smart or not?
Generally, someone is smart if they agree with me.
kajdwfhaiuewha hth e aiewaehf knlks a oiao ruga pifakf adskhf a34uf98pq3 fidac.
For starters a smart person doesn't use too many punctuations.
Grammar, spelling, and vocabulary are good indications of intelligence, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Some people can be intelligent but not be good at typing, so their postings come out looking like they're dumb.

Besides, we all have different kinds of intelligence. I knew a guy with the verbal skills of a meatball, but he could program a VCR faster than I can type this sentence.

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